About Us

Founded in 1920, LWV is a nonpartisan organization working to protect voting rights and ensure that everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters through advocacy and education at the local, state, and national levels. Learn more about our history here.

This LWV at-large unit was established in July of 2022 by a group of concerned and motivated citizens of Tuscarawas County. This is a nonpartisan group that welcomes all people of voting age. The goals of the group are to encourage voting, support voter's rights, and advocate for fair districting by providing educational events and reaching out to the community. First and foremost, we are a respectful and supportive group. Our meetings are on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM. We meet in the Community Room at Buehler's Dover Parkside in Dover, Ohio. 

We welcome all people of voting age. Visit LWV Ohio to find out how to join the League of Women Voters at the state level. 
